
Phi Beta Lambda


As our world exits from a recent pandemic, the biotechnology industry is more important than ever as it can develop revolutionary breakthroughs in medicine. The Biotech curriculum will provide members with a holistic view of the business strategies utilized in the biotechnology industry. Through collaborative projects, real-world case studies, and interactive workshops, members will gain an all-encompassing understanding of the intersection of the life sciences and business.

Angel Gallegos portrait
Angel Gallegos
Biotech Chair

Hi! My name is Angel and I'm a sophomore studying Bioengineering. Professionally, I'm interested in the medtech industry, specifically focusing on the use of biocompatible materials to create medical devices. In my free time, I enjoy skating, Brazilian jiu jitsu, thrifting, and traveling!

Emily Chiang portrait
Emily Chiang
Biotech Chair

Hi! I'm Emily, a sophomore studying Molecular & Cell Biology with a passion for the intersection of life sciences and business, especially healthcare investment banking. I've had the chance to intern at Mountain Crest Investment Partners and the UCSF Department of Emergency Medicine. Outside of school, I love playing tennis, reading, baking, and exploring new coffee shops. Feel free to reach out!


The consulting curriculum is designed to equip members with the fundamental skills necessary to break into consulting. The program focuses on a few core areas, including business strategy, communication and presentation, problem solving, and project management skills. We will lead new members through interactive workshops, hands-on case studies, and team-based projects to enable them to grow professionally whilst fostering a tight-knit community.

Armaan Srireddy portrait
Armaan Srireddy
Consulting Chair

Hey! My name is Armaan and I'm a sophomore studying energy engineering with a certificate in design innovation. Professionally, I'm looking to pursue a career that combines elements of consulting, engineering, and sustainability. In the past, I've been an CAD and Systems intern at Enerflex and an engineering intern at ORE. In my free time, I enjoy working out, reading, playing poker, and hanging out with friends. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Stephanie Schaupp portrait
Stephanie Schaupp
Consulting Chair

Hey! My name is Stephanie and I'm a sophomore studying Environmental Economics and Policy, hoping to minor in Energy Engineering. I am passionate about renewable energy, clean tech, and ESG policy, and how to combine these three things into successful business strategies. Last year I interned with a few startups through skydeck, and worked for the Department of Energy during the summer. When I'm not on the first floor of Moffit, I read, thrift, and run. Please feel free to reach out to coffee chat or with any questions!


The Finance curriculum aims to help you learn the basic principles of finance and prepare you for a future career in the financial services industry. We will start from basic accounting to valuation to eventually building your own stock pitch. Our curriculum is built from a list of financial technical interview questions, which by the end of the semester, you will have mastered.

Agranya Ketha portrait
Agranya Ketha
Finance Chair

Hey! I’m Agranya, and I’m a junior studying EECS and Economics. My main career focus is integrating & building technology in finance. Along with this, I’m also interested in machine learning, tech consulting, and business strategy. In my free time, I enjoy running, watching tennis & basketball, diving into photography, and cafe hopping with friends.

Ishaan Verma portrait
Ishaan Verma
Finance Chair

Hi! My name is Ishaan Verma and I'm a sophomore studying Statistics and Economics. My professional interests in the finance industry include investment banking, private equity, and asset management. I am from Northern Virginia (near D.C.) and love to play basketball, listen to Kendrick Lamar, and workout at RSF. Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have!


Marketing is all about the connection between the company and the customer. Within the marketing committee, the curriculum will teach how to leverage numerous strategies in order to drive a product or brand's market awareness, engagement, and loyalty. Through collaborative projects and interactive workshops, members will gain hands-on experience to prepare them for future professional opportunities. Topics covered will include decking, casing, brand strategy, campaign building, and many more.

Avik Gautam portrait
Avik Gautam
Marketing Chair

Hi! My name is Avik Gautam, and I am a Sophomore intending to study Computer Science and Business Administration. I am super interested in Software Engineering and Machine Learning, as well as brand strategy, product marketing, and product management. In my free time, you might see me playing volleyball, playing or listening to jazz, watching basketball, or eating a lot of food.

Tara Kim portrait
Tara Kim
Marketing Chair

Hi! My name is Tara and I'm currently a junior studying Economics and Dance. My professional interests include marketing, strategy, and communications. I'm passionate about problem-solving and being able to help people. In my free time, I love dancing, cafe hopping, hanging out with friends, and anything involving social media!


As an integral part of a company’s infrastructure, successful use of technology precedes the success of a business itself. In the Tech curriculum, we bridge the gap between software and business, providing a foundational understanding of how important technology is within corporations. Members will be taught the basics of programming through Python, data analytics, and web development. Throughout the curriculum, members will also get the opportunity to build their own games and test their newfound skills. These hands-on projects and workshops will allow members to gain a comprehensive understanding of technology that can be brought into the real world.

Ethan Cheng portrait
Ethan Cheng
Technology Chair

Hi everyone! I'm Ethan, a senior studying Data Science and some of my professional interests include Data Science and Business Analytics. Some things I enjoy doing include eating, watching movies, and playing sports (Basketball, Volleyball, Golf).

Shogo Tanaka portrait
Shogo Tanaka
Technology Chair

Hello, my name is Shogo Tanaka and I am a current fourth year studying Data Science. My professional interests are in industries of business and tech with focuses in data science, machine learning, data engineering and a lil bit of generative AI! I love traveling, eating late night grubs with my friends, and making matcha lattes!