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Phi Beta Lambda

Recruitment Schedule

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Coffee Chats

Sign up from 01/21 - 01/29

Want to learn more about PBL, the overall business club scene at Berkeley, tips to get into Haas, or our favorite hobbies? Register for a coffee chat and be paired with a PBL officer who will answer all your academic, professional, or personal questions in this casual networking opportunity. Officer bios can be found here. Coffee chats will be available till Janurary 29th!

Fri 01/24

Info Session 1

@ 8-10pm PT, VLSB 2060

Come out to our first info session to learn more about our organization, our personal approach to professional development, and our favorite PBL memories and achievements! In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to network with current PBL officers.

Wed 01/29

Women in Business Careers Night

@ 8-10pm PT, Dwinelle 219

Come out to learn more about PBL's commitment to empowering female leaders in the business world and hear some amazing women speak about their time in the club. There will be another chance for attendees to network with the club.

Thu 01/30

Info Session 2

@ 8-10pm PT, Wheeler 202

Come out to our second info session to learn more about our organization, our personal approach to professional development, and our favorite PBL memories and achievements! In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to network with current PBL officers. The second info session will replicate the first in both content and format, so no need to attend both.

Fri 01/31

Social Mixer

@ 7-9pm PT, Sodoi Coffee Tasting House

Come out to our Social Mixer to meet and play some games with the PBL officer team in a more casual setting. Whether you have remaining questions about our organization, want to meet any of our wonderful PBL officers, or just hope to leave a lasting impression before applications are due, PBL's Social Mixer is your last and best opportunity to do so.

Fri 01/31

Application Due

@ 9pm PT

Our application includes a simple resume drop coupled with a few short-answer questions to allow us to get to know you better. Early applications are encouraged, and late applications will not be accepted. Interview invites will be released around 1am on Saturday, Febuary 1st.